Passed PassedPassed (with some changes) Assent of the President
Lok Sabha → Rajya Sabha → Lok Sabha → 09, August 2019
23,July 2019 31,July 2019 05, August 2019
The Road Transport and Highway Minister Mr. Nitin Gadkari on 15, July 2019. However, this bill was presented in the Lok Sabha in 2016 also but never passed in the Rajya Sabha. After receiving majority in Lok Sabha election 2019 this bill was again tabled in Lok Sabha. This bill was made by consulting with transport ministers of 18 different states of India. This time it passed in Rajya Sabha also on 31, July 2019. The bill was presented to Lok Sabha once again after some changes into it and finally, it passed and went for the signature of President of India. On 09, August 2019 finally this bill converted into law after the assent of the President.

The Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill- 2019 is having some changes in the old Motor Vehicle Act-1988. After 30 years to minimize road safety and to align the policy with the other countries’, the government decided to take this bill into the Lok Sabha. This bill provides for the grant of licenses and permits related to motor vehicles, standards for motor vehicle to maintain the required safety in new motor vehicles and penalties for violation of all these provisions.
If I talk about the highlight of this amendment bill, then it focuses on the area of compensation for road accident victims, Insurance cover for all the road users, time to time vehicle recall, a new National Transport Policy, updates on the offences list and changes in penalties. Let’s clarify this new Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill-2019 through the changes brought through this bill-
Changes or New Rules:
Offences and Penalties –
In this Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill the traffic fines are increased.
Not wearing seatbealt or helmet fine: Rs. 1000/- (earlier it started from 100/-)
Overspeeding fine: 5000/- (earlier it was 500/-)
Drink and Drive fine (30mg. per 100ml of blood): 10,000/- (earlier it was 2000/-)
Not giving way to emergency service like ambulance: 10,000/- (earlier- no fine)
Driving without insurance: 2000/-
Insurence and Compensation-
Maximum liability for third party insurance in case of a motor accident-
Death compensation: 05 Lakhs
Grievous injury: 2.5 Lakhs
Hit and Run case-
In respect of death: 02 lakh rupees
In respect of grievous hurt: 50 thousand rupees.
This bill requires the central government to constitute a Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, to provide compulsory insurance cover to all road users in India. It will be utilized for – treatment of persons injured in road accidents as per the golden hour scheme, compensation to representatives of a person who died in a hit or run case, compensation to a person grievously hurt.
Good Samaritans:
As a person who renders emergency medical or non-medical assistance to a victim at the scene of an accident will be recognized by ‘Good Samaritans’ and that person will not be liable for any civil or criminal action for any injury to or death of an accident victim, caused due to their negligence in providing assistance to the victim.
Recall of vehicles:
This act allows Indian government to recall any vehicle from the market in case of any defect in the vehicle and which can damage the environment, driver or any other road users. The manufacturer of the recalled vehicle will reimburse the buyers for the full cost of the vehicle or manufacturer will replace the defective vehicle with another vehicle with similar or better specification.
Road Safety Board:
National Road Safety Board will be created by the central government. That board will advice the central and state governments on all aspects of road safety and traffic management.
National Transportation Policy:
The central government may create a National Transport Policy by consulting with the state government of India. That policy will work for the establishment of a planning framework for road transport, development of a framework for the grant of permits and to specify the priorities for the transport system among other things.
Taxi aggregators:
Taxi aggregators are basically digital intermediaries or market places which can be used by passengers to connect with a driver for transportation for taxi services. This thing is not specifically defined in this new Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill -2019.