A setp forward towards the Road and Highway Safety:
(India is rapidly building it’s road network so safety becomes prime concern now)
The Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill-2019 now became the rule-
Passed Passed Passed (with some changes) Assent of the President
Lok Sabha → Rajya Sabha → Lok Sabha → 09, August 2019
23,July 2019 31,July 2019 05, August 2019
Road Accident:
According to WHO: A road traffic injury is a fatal or non-fatal injury incurred as a result of a collision involving at least one moving vehicle. India accounts for about 10% of road crash fatalities worldwide. In terms of absolute numbers, more people die in road accident in India than anywhere else in the world, including the more populous China.
Why India needs the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill-2019
There are a few major reasons that India is not focusing on road safety more-
1) On the map of the whole world India became the country where death records are so high:
WHO at world level monitor all the health statics and India was highlighted every time on the top of the list. This was not good for the image of India as a safety point of view on the world map.

2) Major loss of life :
According to the status report on road safety 2013, estimates that more than 231000 people are killed in road accident in India everywhere. The calendar year 2017 has some improvement in this figure – there were 464910 unfortunate incidences of road accidents recorded 147913 deaths and 470975 injuries.
3) Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme:
Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme is being conducted over five years by a consortium of international partners together with national governments and local organizations. India was also included for this programme which was conducted from 2010-2014. For the new phase of the foundation’s Global Road Safety Initiative, Mumbai is among the world’s 10 cities which are selected. $125 million over the next five years will be used for selected 10 cities from the Bloomberg side to improve road safety.
“Bloomberg Philanthropies’ mission is to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organization focuses on five key areas for creating lasting change: Public Health, Environmental, Education, Government Innovation and the Arts. Bloomberg’s charitable activities, including his foundation and his personal giving. In 2014, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed $462 million.”
As a signatory to Brasilia Declaration, India is comitted to reduce the number of road accidents and fatalities by
50% by 2020.
Brasilia Declaration on Road Safety was the 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety. It represented historic opportunity to chart progress at the mid-point of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. It was held on 18-19 November 2015 in Brasilia (the capital of Brazil). In the confrencethe 2200 delegates adopted the “Brasilia Declaration on Road Safety” through which they agreed ways to halve road trffic deaths by the end of this decade. India was also part of this.
5) Obstacle in the development of road in country:
Indian government focused to increase the road network in the country and worked on different highway projects but parallel road accident also increases. So, this was not the right measurement of the growth of the country.
Now, the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill is inforce for the Indian states. and we believe that this will decrease the road accident rate. Government putting effort to show our country on the world stage through the WHO different health and safety programmes. By 2020 it’s our taget to reduce the road accident figure by half of what we recorded during the year 2014 and 2015.