Greta Thunberg PERSON of the YEAR 2019 by Time Magazine
TIME has put Greta on the front page as Time’s Person of the Year 2019
Person of the Year, this title is awarded every year by the American Time Magazine to one of the many faces who influence more to the world in the same year. This year TIME has chosen the Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist on climate change.

Many of you definitely know this Person of the Year. I had received good feedback on the last article which was published on 26 September 2019. Her speech at the U. N. Climate Summit 2019 had made so many leaders unrest. Some of them were reacting on social media also. Now it’s a matter of time. Announced made on the NBC’s program on 10th December, Time Magazine has positioned Greta as the ‘Person of the Year‘ on the cover page of its 23Dec/30Dec double issue very prestigious magazine. 16 Year old Greta Thunberg became the start and also set the record to have become the youngest ‘Time Person of the Year’.
How TIME decides the ‘Person of the Year’?
Since 1927, TIME has started its special edition at year end having a title ‘ Man of the Year’. First ‘Man of the year‘ title winner in 1927 was American aviator Charles Lindbergh. Apart from that Time Magazine also awarded this tag to some female who really did the incredible work and influenced a mass number of people through their action. But title given to those women were ‘Woman of the Year‘. Until 1998 it went like this only. Some time it was ‘Man of the Year’ and sometimes ‘Woman of the Year’ but finally both titles were amalgamated as “Person of the Year” in 1999.
Decision makers
The TIME does the public survey also to choose the ‘Person of the Year‘. Specially they collect the opinion of its subscribers and readers. But result out there with public opinion is always not chosen as the final name for the title. A group of Time editor does analysis of different personalities in the world and makes the decision for that person who finally awarded as the ‘Person of the Year’.
Greta Thunberg ‘Time Person of the Year’
How it all started?
(Greta Thunberg biography)
Greta Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003 in Stockholm. She was studying about climate when she was 11. Whatever she knew that time about the climate change crisis that heavily impacted on her. She suffered many times with severe depression. Everything stated changing then. In year 2018 she started before the general election in Sweden she did 3
Every Friday students started protesting to urge government to comply with the Paris Climate Change agreement. A matter discussed in the Swedish assembly also but no positive response came out. Greta Thunberg has kept going since September 2018 and people from all around the world started noticing the Greta movement. She was also among the TIME’s 25 Most Influential Teens of 2018 list.
Greta Thunberg parents

Mother– Malena Ernman is an Opera Singer.
Father– Svante Thunberg is author and actor.
Greta father Svante Thunberg told about the beginning of this story and said- It goes back 5 years when Greta fell. She stopped eating, talking and she fell into a depression. She stayed home from school almost a year. To take care of her we stayed at home. My wife and I stopped working. Later we found out Greta was very concerned and upset about the climate.
Greta had Asperger syndrome
Greta Thunberg was heavily suffered by Asperger syndrome. In medical science it is a developmental disorder affecting the ability to effectively socialize and communicate during a specified period. This period could be a year or may go lifelong. People undergoing condition may be socially awkward and have an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. For Greta this period was approx 03 years. She could not attend school full year. Her depression lasted from when she was 11 to 14.
People from more than 150 countries joined Greta Thunberg

The path which Tunberg has chosen is not so easy. She started all alone. In initial days she was accused of being paid and controlled by NGOs. Those obligations are changed now and the situation is that the world’s most powerful Donald Trump reacted this way (see the below tweet)-
Well the “Person of the Year” Greta Thunberg considered the tweet from of the Donald Trump and used his statement to decorate her Twitter bio. It’s really funny. Because Greta is now more aggressive on her mission with the support of millions of people all around the globe.

People around the World are awake now

Greta has been invited at different national and international stages to speak over climate change. She also had a personal meeting with the Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the UN. Her speech on 23rd September 2019 at U.N. Climate Summit 2019 brought awareness among the world leaders. The dozens of Heads of State and Government, business leaders, and senior representatives from civil society from around the world had gathered to make different announcements in favor of renewable energy, to give updates over the action taken in the recent past by their government in respective countries and to listen to the new young personalities. Greta kept her point which you must listen once. Below is the audio link of that speech for you-
On 12th Dec’19 COP 25 Summit updates
Longest UN climate talks end with no deal on global carbon market
Like earlier UN Climate Summit (September-2019) this one also ended with no solid outcome or decisions. This has been the longest UN climate talks ever done before. One more day taken extra to discuss the matter with different nations.
The Secretary-General of the UN António Guterres shared his disappointment on twitter also with the results of the negotiations over the future of global action on climate change. The talks, which were scheduled to end on December 13, dragged on through Saturday into the closing session on Sunday morning in Madrid, Spain.
What is ‘Global Warming of 1.5°C‘
Now, I will keep you updated with the further news of UN and action taken by the other nations to minimize the CO2 emission, here let’s understand why these all the things are going on. Why millions of students not going school and protesting on every Friday?
This term Global Warming of 1.5°C represents the average temperature of the globe. So, when we talk about the global warming, then it means the average globe temperature should not increase more than 1.5 degree Celsius. We measure it increase from a baseline average temperature in the mid-to-late nineteenth century. That was the point when the industrial revolution was at peak and after that it continues to increase.
Breakdown of global fossil CO2 emissions by country Just 9% carbon budget remaining Annual fossil C02 emission in India Fossil CO2 emissions by continent
Source (Source:
Above mentioned graphs are taken from the credible source which tells-
– Breakdown of global fossil CO2 emission by every country
– Carbon budget remaining for the globe
– Annual fossil CO2 emission in India
– Fossil CO2 emission by Continent
How makes a minor change in temp. Effects
Now, you must be thinking how the minor change in temperature can calls huge disruption. So, the science says- here we are talking about the change in the average temperature of the globe. This change will directly not affect to the all the region on the earth, but indirectly it will bring the massive destruction. Its effects started appearing in specific regions and its spoiling the earth’s nature’s ecosystem. Rising temperature has impacted on earth’s polar region and glaciers. Another part of this issue is that- when a planet warms the poles warms at a higher rate due to the spherical shape of the earth.
Global warming and changes in the glaciers states on the poles also affecting the season’s temperature in different countries. Humans are also facing the direct effect of global warming. A problem like ‘Polar Vortex’ in U.S is one of them.
So, its all about the CO2 Budget, Let’s understand this

It’s been decades our scientists are warning to the government officials for the global warming.
International panel on climate change have warned that time is running out. If you see the above graph, then you get the idea that even after the ‘The Kyoto Protocol‘ and ‘The Paris Agreement‘ situation has worsen. Countries are not able to fulfill the requirement of the Paris Agreement.
The main culprit is the CO2. Now only few percentage of the CO2 budget remains. And that will hardly go to next 10 year if we all keep emitting the C02 at the same rate of today. Below is one of the tweet having a video which simply illustrate that how we human has come to this stage in last few decades. Hope that video will help you.
I heartily appreciate the effort of the Greta Thunberg and support her every step towards the spreading awareness among the people. I also believe that if the future doesn’t exist, then there should not be much importance of going school and taking a degree. But today is the day to congratulate the Greta Thunberg to have become the youngest ever the “Person of the Year” and I wish her good health and bright future ahead. Being the part of the same society I urge my readers and subscribers to keep themselves updated with whatever going on in this mission. Be the part of a changing world.
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