New Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2019 is enforcement news from different states of India
The Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2019 enforcement ground news and updates
After the President’s signature the New Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2019 became law for India on 09 August 2019. This new law came into enforce from 1st September 2019 only.

Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, West-Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Utrakhand, Rajasthan and Maharastra traffic police is still going with the old challan rates due to disagreement among leaders or lack of updation of latest software which traffic police uses.
Everyone looking at the Delhi as Chief Minister of Delhi, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has welcome the decision of Indian Government. And this is the reason that even on holiday (Sunday,01-August 2019) traffic police were in full mood to cut the challan for those who were violating the traffic rules. Around 4000 numbers of Challan were cut on 1st day. Dangerous driving, Driving without wearing seat-belt and 2 wheeler driving without helmet are the main reason for challans.
1988 Act Fine (Rs.)
2019 Amendment Bill (Rs.)
Driving Without License
Driving After Disqualification
Unauthorized Vehicle Use
Drunk Driving
Aggregators Violating Term
Not Wearing Seatbelt
Not Wearing Helmet
Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles
Reaction from the ground:
Actually as per the media and other news channels many people have appreciated this change in traffic rules as well as the traffic fine on live news recording. Different journalists have talked to the road users and the feedback coming from ground is mixed. People are saying it a major step taken by the Indian Government and hope it will bring down the road accidents in India. Now lakhs of people are killed into road accident and there were no such provision to minimize that. Same as some of the other European countries.
What not included in new amendment bill?
Even after the reformation of rules and penalty charges there are some other road traffic violence which are not the part of the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2019. Fines are not applied for-
a) Driving with High Beam:
For major road accidents during night the driving with high beam is the major contributor. While driving on road many people drive with the high beam unnecessarily. High beam should be used on unfamiliar roads, on dark city streets, in construction areas or where there may be people or bicyclist along the side of the road. It always suggested to dim the head lights of the vehicle when there are oncoming vehicles or when we approach another vehicle from behind. High/Low beam head lights are also used for the requesting side pass from ongoing vehicle ahead. But some people keep going on high beam only which make uncomfortable or temperately blind to the driver of on coming vehicle driver. It increases the chances of road accident. and sadly there is no penalty this act.
b) Lane Driving:
You must have seen the white lines made in between the both side of the road (specially on highways). Any vehicle driving driving on such road need to drive in any single line only. This is to control and guide drivers and reduce traffic conflicts. If driver wish to change the lane then he/she need to use the side indicators to pass this information to the vehicles coming behind. On highway this habit come in practice use every-time. By avoiding this thing one can call to the a major road accident.
c) Use of Rear View Mirror:
The use of rear view mirror makes driving risky. Vehicle coming from behind also not get assurance that the signals they are passing from behind is noticed by you or not. This habit of driving with folded rear view mirror makes driving risky for the driver as well as to the other road users.
d) Giving way to Pedestrian:
We all have must observed this problem at-least once everyday while crossing the road. Some people driving on road are in so hurry that they just not drive but actually they fly over the road without caring about any other road users. Even when someone is crossing the road they just jump over that path even without slowing down the car. In many foreign countries people very much respect the basic rules of the traffic and provide sufficient way and time to the pedestrian to cross the road comfortably. People follow the zebra crossing. To know more about this traffic rule for Malaysia you read here.
e) Tail gating:
“Tail gating” term is used for the space maintained between two vehicles when they stops in the traffic and there should be at-least space of roughly one vehicle in-between any of the two vehicles when they are in halt for a moment in traffic. In India this is a major concern and there is hardly any gap between the two vehicle halt on any traffic. This creates unwanted road jam and congestion.
My Words:
I am also a road user and appreciate to the anyone who drive fairly and shows some responsibility towards the life of other road users. New Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2019 with changed traffic rules and traffic fines looks like heavy penalty and a way to increase the government fund but after long run this will definitely bring some good changes. People can be seen regretting on their own mistake and swearing not to do such offence again once they caught by the traffic police. I think it’s better to regret here than regretting after doing any major road accident. Some other states listed above in this article is also looking at those states where this change is enforce. Its been only 3 days and definitely after 1 month or two the good feedback will be coming.